Wednesday 15th May - 2:32 AM

New Name, New Logo, New Website

Its been a few years since I’ve had a chance to update my website mainly because I’ve been busy elsewhere. With that being said,for most of this year, I’ve spent a lot of time into rebranding my studio. I felt it was time to create a would be legacy, a legacy bearing my initials instead of some random three (3) letter domain I bought when I was 16 years old. So going forward T5x Studio will be re branded to DRW Studio.

I hope to make the complete transition by the end of 2018 so that 2019 would be a fresh start for the new brand. would become the new hub for this new brand, in addition to showcasing the new things I’m getting myself involved in as well as new partnerships I hope would flourish over the coming year.

So stay tuned as I continue to work behind the scenes to update the design and functionality of the new website.

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